Tuesday, June 29, 2010

3D Pin Wheel Square

Start by picking 2 different fabrics. Then decide which is going to be the background fabric and which is going to be the pinwheel.

Start by cutting the background fabric into 4-6inch squares and set aside for now.

Then cut the pinwheel fabric into 4-5inch squares
This is my pinwheel fabric and where the fun begins

Fold the pinwheel fabric on the diagonal all four squares and finger press

Then bring the bottom right of the triangle over to the bottom left and finger press

When I got this part done I took it to the iron and pressed it for real

Then lay your background fabric down and place 1 pinwheel fabric in the same corner of each background square.
Then I arrange the pieces into the pinwheel shape
Then you can pin if you want and I folded Left onto Right and sewed at 1/4 in seam
After left onto right squares are sewn together then line up the center, again you can pin if you want, and finish with a seam in the middle at 1/4 in seam
This is how your square will come out.
See how the pinwheel makes these cute little pockets? LOVE IT!

Friday, June 25, 2010

Doctor Doctor Give Me The News

Today I had an appointment to see my family physician. WooHoo is he Hot! So in preparation I take a nice long Hot shower shaving every crevice of my body...just in case. Broke out my bath and body lotion I save for special occasions and lathered myself all up. Put on the smallest sexy-est pair of panties. Squeezed into the cutest thing I had in the closet. Poofed up my hair and smeared all the make-up I could get on. Oh and coordinated G's outfit with mine. I didn't really have to wait long in the waiting room and the nurse got a toy and brought it to G from one of the other rooms. My apt today was about my toe. G is going to be 9mos on July 1 if you have kids this age then you know and if you don't I'll refresh your memory. They do not want to be still. He wants to crawl and pull up on things and try to climb things, anything but be in you lap. So I could hear Doc leave the room next to mine and pause at the door for my chart and I am trying to scoop up G so he doesn't get hit with the door and envisioning what Doc may be wearing and all in the same second Doc walks in and G has grabbed a hold of my shirt and my bra and my boobs fall out of my shirt. OMIGAWD!!! His eyes are popping out of his head and I am completely mortified!!! I am at this time am looking for a place to set down my son and put myself back together and feeling totally guilty about those thoughts I was having about him. And he says Aw don't worry that happens to my wife all the time. I should have just left right then because I was so messed up that I could not remember what I had even come there for. I am sure he has seen a ton of boobs he is a doctor, but I am not sure those girls were thinking what I was thinking so I just felt horribly embarrassed!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Booger Jungles

Have you ever thought to blow your nose before going into the dentist? I wonder how many Booger Jungles he has to look at a day. They must teach you in dental school not to say anything about the inside of peoples noses...I think I wouldn't be able to contain myself if someone had a big green froggy booger creeping out of their nose. Just a thought.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Moore Animal Life

Jeff and I spent our day at his Family Reunion at a park in Benbrook with G. It got really hot while we were there and was the main reason we had to leave. G was getting sleepy and hot. We have to drive home through the country and I saw the cows loose in a pasture. They were Black cows. And I started thinking how it would suck to be a cow never experiencing the air conditioning, only eating hay, flies, and then to live it all to be killed and eaten. That sounds like a horrible life.

So I turned to Jeff and asked him what kind of Animal he might have been in a previous life. We started thinking about stuff like does he like winter or summer, we decided both. Daytime or night time, probably daytime. How he eats, whatever portion you set in front of him. And he loves to drink water. So I concluded that he must be a dog. A very loyal playful dog so I am gonna say a Lab and that was his persistence to get our "Hunting" dog Trapper.

So after we thought some more about that, I asked him what animal he thought I was. Without skipping a beat he said possum. I said really? Why? He tells me because I am nocturnal. I always have G attached to me like a baby possum. And I can turn mean if provoked. I think he must be right.

The next thing that crossed my mind is that we just crossed a Labrador with a possum...so G must be a Baby Lassum

Thursday, June 10, 2010

One Seam Flying Geese

I found a video on youtube how to do this so thank you Ricky whoever you are for learning this from those European Gals and showing us. I am going to use this as my instructions to show my quilt guild so they may be a little elementary for advance quilters (Maimi my Amy). Here goes. Start by having your cutting mat, 2 fabrics, rotary cutter, ruler, iron, and machine/bobbin all ready to go.
Cut Fabric 1 into a 3in strip
Cut Fabric 2 into 3in squares

Then cut Fabric 1 into rectangles 3in x 5 1/2in

This is what you should have when you are done to this point
Then take one rectangle of Farbric 1 and fold it in half and two squares of Fabric 2
Place one Fabric 2 square face up and put Fabric 1 ontop of it with the fold away from you and line up the free edge to the bottom of Fabric 2 square. Note: the folded fabric will not reach all the way across the 3in square fabric 2 there should be 1/4in at the top (That's hard to word see picture for better explaination)

Then place the other Fabric 2 square on top of this wrong side face up

With the Folded Fabric 1 at the Top of your sandwhich sew down the right side of square. You can pin if you need to, I just used them to demonstrate where to sew.

Sewing 1/4 in seam all the way down is just as important as always!

When your done, with the Fold to the Top open the Top Fabric 2 square and Iron your seam open
With your Right hand put your index finger on the back side of the folded Fabric 1 and Fabric 2 square
With your left hand pinch the bottom corner of the folded Fabric 1 and pull it to the bottom corner of Fabric 2 that you have ironed open
This will make a pocket

Iron out smooth making sure all four edges line up
The rest is how I finished up the strip I cut. Yall Enjoy! Please Comment if you have any questions or I confused you with a step. Or if these were fantastic instructions let me know that too and I'll keep the little short cuts and how to's comming.

Have a Happy Day Blog Land

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Ok there is some debate about a Yellow Basket. Do you remember the nursery rhym that says A Tisket A Tasket A Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah? Well in my not so decent memory it was a red and yellow basket. That is the only line of that silly song I could remember so I decided to look up on the internet the next line. And I found that even they are confused what color the basket was. Some say green and yellow Some say brown and yellow. The next line is about writting a letter and seems like the internet is not sure if they wrote the letter to the mommy or the love. From what I read this is a song kids will sing while sitting in a circle and the concept is like duck duck goose. Here is the Wikapedia verison: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A-Tisket,_A-Tasket. Here is another website that has a few of the versions: http://bussongs.com/songs/a_tisket_a_tasket.php Here is the Brown and Yellow version: http://www.sing365.com/music/lyric.nsf/a-tisket-a-tasket-lyrics-ella-fitzgerald/5f3e2c5f547cde5f48256d290029ccc4sf/a-tisket-a-tasket-lyrics-ella-fitzgerald/5f3e2c5f547cde5f48256d290029ccc4. It is not letting me copy the lyrics so I am sorry about the links. Anyway I would have figured a song as old as that we would all have the same lyrics down by now. I think I am going to consult Mother Goose about this. I feel like a piece of my childhood is now an unstable memory because we can not agree on the lyrics of the Tisket Tasket Song.
Something to think about my little Bloggers

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Graveyard at my house

I have a pond in my Huge Flower bed up front. I have been having some trouble with the pump this year. It will pump really good and trickle the water and then in a few hours you can't even see the water moving although there is a tiny current under water. Well every spring I buy a dozen or so goldfish to throw in there and instead of giving them each a name I just call them my muppet babies. This year I have found some interesting things in my pond. I've had 2 dead birds, a frog who was stuck, and a grey lizard. This morning I went to check on my muppet babies and they are all dead. The misquitoes have been so bad this year that Jeff sprayed the yard and I just found out that he may have got some of that poision in my water. Well say a little prayer for them as you go about your day. I miss the muppet baby show.

Have a good day my little blog land