Thursday, June 10, 2010

One Seam Flying Geese

I found a video on youtube how to do this so thank you Ricky whoever you are for learning this from those European Gals and showing us. I am going to use this as my instructions to show my quilt guild so they may be a little elementary for advance quilters (Maimi my Amy). Here goes. Start by having your cutting mat, 2 fabrics, rotary cutter, ruler, iron, and machine/bobbin all ready to go.
Cut Fabric 1 into a 3in strip
Cut Fabric 2 into 3in squares

Then cut Fabric 1 into rectangles 3in x 5 1/2in

This is what you should have when you are done to this point
Then take one rectangle of Farbric 1 and fold it in half and two squares of Fabric 2
Place one Fabric 2 square face up and put Fabric 1 ontop of it with the fold away from you and line up the free edge to the bottom of Fabric 2 square. Note: the folded fabric will not reach all the way across the 3in square fabric 2 there should be 1/4in at the top (That's hard to word see picture for better explaination)

Then place the other Fabric 2 square on top of this wrong side face up

With the Folded Fabric 1 at the Top of your sandwhich sew down the right side of square. You can pin if you need to, I just used them to demonstrate where to sew.

Sewing 1/4 in seam all the way down is just as important as always!

When your done, with the Fold to the Top open the Top Fabric 2 square and Iron your seam open
With your Right hand put your index finger on the back side of the folded Fabric 1 and Fabric 2 square
With your left hand pinch the bottom corner of the folded Fabric 1 and pull it to the bottom corner of Fabric 2 that you have ironed open
This will make a pocket

Iron out smooth making sure all four edges line up
The rest is how I finished up the strip I cut. Yall Enjoy! Please Comment if you have any questions or I confused you with a step. Or if these were fantastic instructions let me know that too and I'll keep the little short cuts and how to's comming.

Have a Happy Day Blog Land

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