Friday, June 25, 2010

Doctor Doctor Give Me The News

Today I had an appointment to see my family physician. WooHoo is he Hot! So in preparation I take a nice long Hot shower shaving every crevice of my body...just in case. Broke out my bath and body lotion I save for special occasions and lathered myself all up. Put on the smallest sexy-est pair of panties. Squeezed into the cutest thing I had in the closet. Poofed up my hair and smeared all the make-up I could get on. Oh and coordinated G's outfit with mine. I didn't really have to wait long in the waiting room and the nurse got a toy and brought it to G from one of the other rooms. My apt today was about my toe. G is going to be 9mos on July 1 if you have kids this age then you know and if you don't I'll refresh your memory. They do not want to be still. He wants to crawl and pull up on things and try to climb things, anything but be in you lap. So I could hear Doc leave the room next to mine and pause at the door for my chart and I am trying to scoop up G so he doesn't get hit with the door and envisioning what Doc may be wearing and all in the same second Doc walks in and G has grabbed a hold of my shirt and my bra and my boobs fall out of my shirt. OMIGAWD!!! His eyes are popping out of his head and I am completely mortified!!! I am at this time am looking for a place to set down my son and put myself back together and feeling totally guilty about those thoughts I was having about him. And he says Aw don't worry that happens to my wife all the time. I should have just left right then because I was so messed up that I could not remember what I had even come there for. I am sure he has seen a ton of boobs he is a doctor, but I am not sure those girls were thinking what I was thinking so I just felt horribly embarrassed!

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