Saturday, June 12, 2010

Moore Animal Life

Jeff and I spent our day at his Family Reunion at a park in Benbrook with G. It got really hot while we were there and was the main reason we had to leave. G was getting sleepy and hot. We have to drive home through the country and I saw the cows loose in a pasture. They were Black cows. And I started thinking how it would suck to be a cow never experiencing the air conditioning, only eating hay, flies, and then to live it all to be killed and eaten. That sounds like a horrible life.

So I turned to Jeff and asked him what kind of Animal he might have been in a previous life. We started thinking about stuff like does he like winter or summer, we decided both. Daytime or night time, probably daytime. How he eats, whatever portion you set in front of him. And he loves to drink water. So I concluded that he must be a dog. A very loyal playful dog so I am gonna say a Lab and that was his persistence to get our "Hunting" dog Trapper.

So after we thought some more about that, I asked him what animal he thought I was. Without skipping a beat he said possum. I said really? Why? He tells me because I am nocturnal. I always have G attached to me like a baby possum. And I can turn mean if provoked. I think he must be right.

The next thing that crossed my mind is that we just crossed a Labrador with a G must be a Baby Lassum

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